Contact Us
Hi, if you need to contact us, just use the following contact information and will reply in no time
WHATSAPP: +255780759078
PHONE: +255780759078
Also if you need to publish your music on our platform, use the same contact informations by including the following after negotiation:-
- The cover or a picture of your Music
- Your full artist name
- The song itself (AUDIO or VIDEO)
NOTE: Make sure you own the copyright of the music you submit to us.
ANGALIZO: Kabla ya kutuma wimbo wako unatakiwa kutuma kiasi cha pesa kama ifuatavyo:-
- AUDIO bei ni Tsh 5,000/=
- VIDEO bei ni Tsh 10,000/=
AIRTEL MONEY: +255780759078
Kama hutotuma kiasi hicho wimbo wako hautopanda kwenye website yetu.